Power supply systems
Under the actual fast technological progress and digitalization conditions, the existence of a performing safe power supply system can reduce at minimum the losses caused by the interruption of the activity or the breakdown of the equipment caused by the short or long term fluctuations and outage of the network.
If the National Distribution System does not ensure the supply of electricity under optimal parameters, and in case of critical applications where the safe, uninterruptible and quality power supply is vital, we offer complete and integrated backup solutions.
We have wide experience in implementing the best power supply systems having applications in various industries: mobile phone, banking, media, store networks, data storage centers, hospitals, industrial production, state strategic companies and entities, military applications.
We have the necessary expertise, material, human and logistical resources to support the special projects starting from the specialized consultancy phase to the supply of equipment, installations, service and maintenance.
The strategic distribution of out technicians and engineers teams allows us to ensure some rapid and quality services at the national level.
Depending on the clients’ needs in the power supply systems we can integrate conventional equipment, and the equipment using renewable energies or hybrid systems:
- Diesel or gas electric generator sets, three-phased or single-phases, manual or automatic start-up, between 2kVA and 3000 kVA
- The electric generator sets can be casing protected and acoustic insulated to be installed outdoor, without casing to be installed inside the buildings, in shelter for better safety to break-in or mobile groups.
- Programmable controller with software dedicated to the application
- Remote distribution, automation, command, follow-up and control panels
- Automatic Reserve Switching controllers
- UPS type uninterruptible power supply, voltage stabilizers, rectifiers, inverters, static switch systems, batteries
- Photovoltaic panels together with all the systems necessary to catch solar power
Other related services:
- Installation of electric generator sets on towable trailers that can be registered to travel on public roads.
- Execution and assembly of supplementary fuel tanks under the chassis of the electric generator sets in order to increase the operating time.
- Execution and assembly of ventilation systems and noise reducers for the electric generator sets installed within the buildings.
- Constructions and the corresponding metallic confections
All equipment supplied by our company, the installations, electric and automation panels benefit from service during the guarantee and post-guarantee period according to the recommendations of the manufacturer and to the norms in force.
Alternative energy
The fields of application of the power supply solutions from renewable sources are extremely diversified, whether we talk about photovoltaic, wind or hybrid systems.
The main advantages of these systems are the low energy producing costs, significant reduction of the dependency on the National Distribution System and the possibility to install them in areas difficult to be accessed and not connected to the national grid.
The photovoltaic power supply and wind systems can be independent or connected to the national energetic system valuating this way the excess of energy produced.
For critical applications in remote locations non connected to the grid, GES SERVICE supplies consultancy, design, installation service and maintenance for the integrated uninterruptible power supply systems that use as main source the solar or wind energy and back-up electric generator sets in order to ensure the supply when the weather conditions are not favorable.
Special transports
In most cases, it is vital that the power supply equipment or the spare parts arrive in due time to places difficult to access, without access roads, or under extreme weather conditions.
Regardless of the complexity of the situation we always find solutions for the transport of the equipment and technicians where our clients need it.
We often recur to the less conventional transport means, we transport by air, off road, or by water and we always arrive in time, both to the locations on top of the mountains and to the locations in the Danube Delta.
Indiferent de complexitatea situatiei gasim intotdeauna solutii pentru transportul echipamentelor si a tehnicienilor acolo unde clientii nostri au avut nevoie.
Deseori apelam la mijloace de transport mai putin conventionale, transportam pe calea aerului, off road, sau pe apa si ajungem intotdeauna in timp util, atat in locatiile din varful muntilor, cat si la cele din Delta Dunarii.